Everywhere we went in the Lexington area during the World Equestrian Games, we saw life size painted horses. Not painted to be bays or pintos, I mean painted as though they were the canvas an artist used. As it turns out, that's exactly the case. Sponsors bought these fiberglass horses for $500, selected an artist to paint them, then put the completed equine artworks on display for three months... July 15 to October 15. On December 11, these 82 amazing horses will be auctioned off at Keeneland Race Track. All proceeds will go to the Lexington Arts Council and various charities selected by the sponsors. Lexington's first "Horse Mania", in 2000, with 79 painted horses, brought in 1.6 million dollars. What a great way to celebrate the arts and raise money.

Here's Ruth with one in the All-Tech Pavilion at the Kentucky Horse Park.
This seashell horse is made of seashells. Tiny ones. Amazing.
And, in the spirit of Halloween, here am I in the heart of Lexington.

beautiful art on the fiberglass horses