Thursday, July 4, 2019

Johnny's Trip to Connecticut

On June 15, we finished putting hay in the barns. On June 19, Johnny left by air for Connecticut and his brother Bruce's 80th birthday bash and family reunion.

I was most impressed with Johnny's photo of the room he slept in... the tower room at the top of the tall round tower on artist Bruce's house. Johnny says the tower room is the 7th level of Bruce's home built house.

Johnny was most impressed, I suspect, with the catapult that his nephew Charles built. He would have to explain the convoluted way it works but this is my blog so you will have to ask him.

Charles (Bruce's son) is a master rock layer. This is in his back yard.

So is this. Charles makes all sorts of weird sculptures. His wife has more interests like mine... animals and flowers... note one of her horses in the background.

Here is much of the family at the back of Bruce's yard.

 Johnny wanted a demonstration of this awesome log splitter. Charles and Bruce each have one.

Bruce's back yard fire pit is unique, like everything else Bruce and his artistic family make.

The party was supposed to be a combination art fest and birthday bash but not much of the art part happened.  Johnny helped set up a paper making station. Bruce demonstrated making paper, but after most people had left.

Friends and family decorated Bruce's home built wood stove for him. That stove heats the whole seven story house... including under-floor tanks of hot water.

What Johnny loved was that crazy catapult. The guy who owns the castle across the lake is a friend of Bruce's and was present while they catapulted stuff nearly all the way across the water. Bigger boys, bigger toys.

On June 25, Johnny flew home. Two days later, I left with grandson Ian for points south. (One of us has to stay home to milk goats.) Busy times...

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