Monday, May 2, 2022

May in Bloom

 Rain and more rain... but also flowers. I took photos on May 2nd of blooms outdoors and in. 

Outdoors, the Leopard's Bane is now blooming, so we don't have to worry about leopards anymore...

Flowering plums in the arboretum

An artichoke that survived the winter outdoors is beginning to fruit

Apple tree in bloom

The path from  house to shop. Johnny put new barkdust on all the paths

front yard ornamental plum

In the greenhouse...

orchid cactus

angel wing begonia always in bloom, from a cutting given to me by a friend many years ago

passion flower... first time to bloom!... first time I even knew it was there

a dainty orchid cactus

It was fun to take time to take photos. Most of the time is spent working outdoors... getting the raised beds and tomato tires ready, milking goats, feeding all the critters. Plus this is bird survey season on the coast... when the weather allows. Johnny works nonstop... often repairing all the machinery I break. 

Spring is a busy time on the farm. And a beautiful time... between showers.

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