Sunday, April 1, 2018

No Foolin'! Happy Easter!

April 1st and Easter Sunday coincided this year. Maybe that's why a giant Easter bunny left us giant eggs. Or maybe they are dinosaur eggs?

A week and a half earlier, a goat "hatched" twins, the day after the Spring Equinox. It has to be spring when baby goats start arriving. I expected Golden Day to have gold colored kids, but she had black ones instead. The doeling has tiny white dots all over her. The buckling has white stockings. I'll get better photos eventually.

Our spring-like weather turned a little chilly today, but the primroses don't care.

And my one and only Camellia is beginning to bloom...

The horse wagon is still in bloom, although this photo is from last week...

Yesterday was a busy day under sunny skies. First we unloaded 24 50# sacks of horse hay cubes into the horse barn loft. Johnny drove the tractor; I handled the bags. With no rain for nearly a week, the ground had dried enough to get over there without making a mess.

It was also dry enough to drag tree limbs into the goat field without tearing up the ground. The power company had cut down a dead tree in our driveway that would have fallen on their lines eventually. At our request, they cut it into hunks and left them and the branches along the side of the driveway. We have been hauling out the hunks as weather permits. Yesterday, with me on the choker cables and Johnny on the tractor, we hauled the tree limbs into the goat field for the goats to nibble on. It took several loads.

The goats headed for the pile as soon as they saw the tractor coming.

We moved the last of the big hunks of trunk into the woodshed yesterday, too. I roll them into the tractor bucket and Johnny drives them to the woodshed and dumps them in the empty bay, to be split and stacked eventually.

A few days earlier, on another sunny day, I took a break from farm work and hiked down into the woods. I saw my first butterfly of the year, a Satyr Comma, on a fern.

Lots of various kinds of Cardamine were blooming. I call them all Spring Queens.

The wood violets were just beginning...

Today, Easter Sunday (and April Fool's Day), Johnny was able to go to a Sunrise Service, even climbing the stairs into bleachers. He is greatly improved from his apparent Rheumatoid Arthritis flare-up. Fortunately rain waited until after the service to begin. And even let me get the lawn mowed without getting very wet.

The rains are due to continue this week. That's okay with me. The horse feed is unloaded, the tree out of the driveway and the lawn is mowed. Let the April showers begin.

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