Back here on the farm, it was tough to find any weather fit to go outside in. Once in awhile, the sun came out briefly to show the pretty snow just a short distance up the mountain from us...
Fortunately, Kestrel (almost 4) and Cedrus (almost 2) were happy to play with the many toys their doting parents, Auntie Fudge, and Grandma and Grandpa gave them at Christmas. During occasional breaks in the weather, they fed goats,

Along with the ever popular throwing rocks into the pond...
Kestrel helped Grandpa bring in firewood, as always. This time, he did some of it all by

On the last day of 2010, our California kids stuffed three adults and two children and a ton of luggage and presents into their minivan and drove south.
There is no silence quite so profound as the silence in a house after the grandchildren have left.
But the sun was shining, so Johnny and I took the two dogs and went for a walk through our woods: destination, as always, the river (Agency Creek).

Moss and ferns and mushrooms love our wet, cool weather. Every tree was draped in greenery. Looking closer, this tree was decorated with more than moss and ferns. It was wearing icicles.

And what's this? Cotton candy??

No, frost! A delicate cotton candy whorl of frost on a twig.
A colorful mushroom peeked up through its bed of big leaf maple leaves and the ever-present moss.
Heading home through the arboretum, a trace of snow still appeared on Spirit Mountain, beyond our young sequoias.
Soon the sky turned gray again, with only Christmas lights to remind us of another holiday season... and another year... gone by.

Here's hoping for a healthy, happy, colorful and fun-filled 2011 for everyone.
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