Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spring in January

After weeks of rain, broken only occasionally by cloudy-but-not-dripping skies, today was a ray of sunshine. There was, in fact, a ray of sunshine for part of the day. It was so balmy (50's) that I worked in the flower beds, beginning the clean-up for the next growing season. I discovered that the hellebores are beginning to bud, so I cut off last year's leaves to make the flowers visible when they open. Winter-blooming jasmine has been blooming for a month or more. It is such a cheerful yellow on the gray winter days. The early daffodils are well up, promising flowers and more cheer in February.

After doing as much pulling out and clipping off as my arms and back would tolerate, I took a walk through the woods. The beavers have been busy. A pile of wood chips drew my attention to their latest tree victim. Gotta keep those teeth worn down and bellies full. I also discovered how people may have come up with the tattoo idea: a piece of wood that had broken and fallen onto the path had been tattooed by insects beneath the bark... really quite lovely.

My destination, Agency Creek, was running high and fast, reminding me that this is still the rainy season. I walked back to the house in the first mists of the next storm. But oh how lovely it was to see the sun for a little while today!

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