For Christmas, I bought each of us a trail camera. Okay, so I bought them both for me to put up and monitor but I wrapped one for Johnny and one for me. Life, as usual, got busy and I didn't get either one up until a week ago or so. Today I finally took the card out and put it into my computer to see what the camera had seen. Of course, since it was trained on the driveway, it got lots of cars going in and out, also our tractors and EZ Go carts... 85 photos in fact. I have deleted most but thought it would be fun to see a little of the driveway activity... in the snow. I love that it gives me the temperature as well as date and time.
Johnny on his way up the driveway to get the mail |
Plowing so friend Suue will be able to drive in later (see previous blog post). |
Friend Suue driving in from Portland in her rental car.. |
Friend Suue driving out the next day on her way to the Portland convention |
Johnny on the big tractor after sawing off 3 leaning trees |
Johnny back on the Kubota spreading gravel on the driveway |
Too bad I didn't think about having the 3 of us stand in front of the trail camera to get a photo. Suue was unsuccessful in getting a selfie of us with her magic phone... her arms would not reach far enough to capture all of us! We are so last century.
Now I will go put the cameras up where they might actually see wildlife, instead of our life. It's been years since we've had working trail cameras. It was fun to see deer and bears and bobcats, along with horses, dogs and miscellaneous birds, etc. Here are some of those earlier photo captures: