The plan was to take photos of Mr. Smith and me on our 100th birthday: that is, on the day our combined ages turn to 100. That was today, Halloween, my 75th birthday. Mr. Smith turned 25 on June 10, 2020. (Dressage enthusiasts, in particular, celebrate, in horse show classes, when a horse and rider combination is 100 years or more. Neither Mr. Smith nor I are show material anymore, but I was still looking forward to this day.)
I spent hours this week polishing harness and cleaning the cart I used to hitch him to, in our younger years. Today I spent much time brushing my beloved horse. I managed to untangle his mane and get the surface mud off, but it would have taken a bath to get him clean. The air was chilly and I was tired and lazy by that time so no bath.
I enlisted Johnny's help to take the photos, first of Mr. Smith before harnessing. My horse was not as enthused as I about this historic day. He was not interested in posing with head and ears up. He was bored. The photos showed his boredom. They also showed that I had neglected to get cleaned up myself. Oh well.
Then came harnessing him. Alas, it has been so long neither Johnny nor I remembered how to do that. After much adjusting and figuring and refiguring, we finally got the harness on him and he hitched to the cart. But I didn't want to ask him to go anywhere as his long ago foundered feet don't need any extra work to do. By this time Mr. Smith was mostly asleep. I was tired and cranky. Neither of us were photogenic. Skip those photos.
The good news is we will have a combined age of 100 until June 10, 2021, when Mr. Smith, aka Rogue Hill's Skybird, turns 26. So maybe between now and then, I can get a good photo of the two of us. But don't count on it.
This Halloween also had a Blue Moon, the second full moon of the month, a fairly rare event. I tried to get a photo of the moon as it rose over the east hills.
And also a photo of the moon with Mars above and to the right of it.
Once in a blue moon, I and my horse turn 100. And in spite of the less than successful 100th birthday photo ops, this special day was made joyful with all the happy birthday phone calls. Thanks, friends and family! And Happy Halloween!