My plan was, of course, to spend all three days at the show watching classes and hanging out with grandson Ian. But, as my mother always said, the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry. Friday, I had showered, changed, loaded the car, and walked to the barn for one last check on the goat due to kid but who had not been doing anything. She was doing something. I had to stay home. (Johnny had already left in his own rig just in case I couldn't get there. Good thing.)
More berry bushes got cut down from in front of the barn while I waited. I did not have long to wait as D-Lovely needed help getting the first kid, a big buckling, out of the way of his two sisters. All three babies arrived fine and healthy. But I decided people should see the truth about baby goats... they are *not* adorable when they first arrive. They are covered in slime. I usually don't take photos until they're all licked off (by the doe, not me) and dry. This time, I took photos as soon as they were safely on the ground and breathing. So here they are, two of the three slimy baby goats.

It's pretty amazing how fast baby goats go from uncoordinated slimy little things to cute bouncing kids. I took a video of the uncoordinated slimy little things learning to stand The triplets are now cute bouncing baby goats but I haven't taken more photos yet.
Saturday, I made it to the show but forgot my camera!! So instead of photos of the amazing Elisienne (Lily) and incredible Rudeau (Rudi), you get photos of slimy baby goats. I won't forget my camera in Sacramento.
Sunday, Johnny again left early while I did chores, checked the next doe due to kid, showered, changed, loaded the car, and went to the barn for one last check. She was beginning to have contractions. So I stayed home. I finished cutting the blackberries out from the elderberry tree and flower beds near the barn. The aggravating young doe quit having contractions. Today, 24 hours later, she still has not produced those kids. So I missed Sunday's show. Sigh. Rudi won his class again. Lily scored 8 on her 2 tempis (dressage fans will understand... for the rest of you, trust me, that's terrific!)
I can't wait for Sacramento!