Monday, April 27, 2015

North to Traumhof

A few days after returning from Las Vegas and the World Cup, I headed north to watch grandson Ian in a school musical, "Once Upon a Mattress". Ian was in the ensemble, singing and dancing. The drama coach at his Chrysalis school is wonderful. The production was well staged, choreographed, acted and sung. Ian, of course, was very good. He has grown so tall and so handsome. I did not get any photos of him this weekend except one that I snuck in while he was doing something or other on his Kinect or Wii or some gadget or other.

 Besides helping out with the weeding and planting on Saturday, I played cow racing on the WII with Ian. I love cow racing even though I'm lousy at it. We also bowled on the WII, which I'm fairly good at. Those are the traditional games I play up there, plus a board game... Clue this time. His Aunt Sarah, who came for the day, played Clue with us.

Most exciting was watching Jessica ride Lily, her retired Grand Prix mare (Elisienne), now a school master for Jessica. It was fun to see Lily so happy, tail swinging freely, lovely long overstride at the walk, effortless flying changes at the canter, and a volunteered passage! Lily loves having her Jessica riding and, I think, Jessica loves riding Lily. They make a great pair.

 Here's Lily, getting ready.

Jessica said that Lily always wants to make a walking tour around the arena and barns before entering the arena. What a pleasant way to start warming up those muscles before a workout.

This mare loves to work... and show off.

Whenever a camera is pointed at Lily, she poses. What a diva!

I left early Sunday morning for the long drive home. Now it's catch up time on our farm. Garden and animals and greenhouse all need attention. And I'm very ready to stay home after all this traveling.

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