Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Agency Creek in October

After my usual morning brush cutting for the goats, I walked (and rode my EZ Go) to Agency Creek, searching for the juvenile Dipper I saw yesterday. Here is yesterday's photo:


I had not realized that juvenile Dippers, after leaving home, have white in their wings for a short time. In all my years of monitoring Dipper nests on Agency Creek, I had never seen this plumage before. That's what I get for not monitoring after the young ones are no longer being fed by parents and have to go face life on their own. There must be a short period for this juvenile plumage before they molt into their adult outfit.

Although I found no Dipper of any plumage today, I did find lovely fall colors on our portion of the very shallow, thanks to our extended dry weather, Agency Creek.

 We have never had Dippers nest on our portion of Agency Creek. But I always hope...

What we do have is a Rattlesnake Orchid, or Plantain, which appeared out of nowhere last year in our Qi Gong grove next to Agency Creek. This year the little snakeskin-leafed plant appears to have a very little one coming up next to it. Maybe the original will bloom for us next year! There's always something to look forward to along Agency Creek.